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Improving the Growth Mindset–Child Development Programmes in Slums, Bastis and Zopadpattis

Prof. Ruma Agwekar

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Prof. Ruma Agwekar ,
Improving the Growth Mindset–Child Development Programmes in Slums, Bastis and Zopadpattis,
International Research Journal of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies (, ISSN : 2582-8568, Volume: 3, Issue: 6, Year: June 2022, Page No : 52-59,
Available at :


When it comes to schools it is no more a box of unhappiness, moroseness, or tiredness of how to excel or do best. Schools are fun, thehours keep children engaged, full of games and activities for the children. The activities are for enjoyment at the same time they help in improving the agility, conduct and also ability of the child. The fun games devised such that they improve upon the child’s psychology and code of conduct. Theseactivities have increased in multiples for the children from the private and public schools. They are also offered online as inexpensive applications, E.gByju’s, Vedantu,Udemy etc. In developing countries like India where there is absence direct accessibility to schools, e,g locals of rural areas, rural settlements, bastis, zopadpattis, it is very difficult to match the expensive models of both online and offline fun games or activities. In India many educators and schools of learning (in rural areas which are recognized as slums, basti, zoparpatties or our villages) have implemented various activities, which can suffice for the basic learning. The children can learn numbers, alphabets, develop ability to think and relate, see and understand, see and speak. The children can be taught relative thinking, also rationalizing during the activities. To decrease the urban-rural divide it is important that the children of the lesser GOD are given proper education. It is important for theand the educators alike to develop measures to teach the children in this part of India.


Child, Growth, Mindset, Development, Programme

Publication Details:
Published Paper ID: IRJHIS2206007
Registration ID: 20744
Published In: Volume: 3, Issue: 6, Year: June 2022
Page No: 52-59
ISSN Number: 2582-8568

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ISSN Number

ISSN 2582-8568

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5.71 (2021)

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