Volume 06, Issue 02
Frequency: 12 Issue per year
Paper Submission: Throughout the Month
Acceptance Notification: Within 2 days
Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary
Accepted Language: Multiple Languages
Journal Type: Online (e-Journal)
ISSN Number:
The present study is related to status of women in Indian society from ancient days till today. It gives importanceon the position of women in various fields like family life, social life and work situation. It highlights on female feticide,low literacy level of women, women‘s low nutritional status, women‘s role in decision making, their position as per Indiantradition etc. The status of women in complex society like India isn't uniform. As of late, the conventional roles of Women haveexperienced a few changes because of financial needs and a few endeavours were made to convey perceivability andstandard women's commitment to the general development and improvement of society. This paper research whether theWomen's in India are having same status and rights as we are asserting in regards to Equality, Education Health, Labour,Employment, Marriage and Family life, Race and Gender related, Religion and Culture and so on. This paper also gives emphasis on number of women in total workforce, torture of them by men in family life,social life and in other fields where they are participants. Lastly it concludes on importance of women and role of societyfor the emancipation of women from male dominated society and their oppression and suppression.
Status, Women, Society, Ancient, Post-independent, Empowerment,