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Growth Mindset: Menstrual Health and Hygiene

Prof. Ruma Agwekar

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Prof. Ruma Agwekar ,
Growth Mindset: Menstrual Health and Hygiene,
International Research Journal of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies (, ISSN : 2582-8568, Volume: 3, Issue: 10, Year: October 2022, Page No : 01-07,
Available at :


The modern culture of India has evolved from a culture of cleanliness, good health and hygiene. A culture which is inherited by every Indian woman from birth, as part of their state and as part of their livelihood, it is disheartening that change in the economic scenario, a rapid change in the urban living, consistently developing rural scenario has failed to reflect optimism in menstrual health and hygiene. Menstrual cycle- a very important physiological and biological (a mark of puberty, onset of freedom and independence, a change in the mindset) aspect of the woman has been neglected and illtreated by the norms of the society. The latest statistics reflects the inconsistency and irregularities in menstrual health and hygiene criteria. A state which claims 100% literacy, illtreats women with Menstrual health, still considers it as low-priority issue. The woman faces obstruction, rejection, shame, jeering on account of the same. Over and above the menstrual health is marred with taboos, bullying, misinformation, and poor access to sanitation facilities and menstrual products. Lack of parental guidance and failure in imparting menstrual guidance results in various health hazards. Various instances and recent happenings relating to menstrual health have questioned the honour of woman. They set bad examples for the scientific and biological concept of the cycle. The happenings highlight the deteriorating psyche and convey misgivings with respect to menstrual health and hygiene. It is important that parents, educational institutes, administrative and civic bodies show total involvement to eradicate the curse which still hounds everyone’s mind and body. It is essential the woman on the onset knows the cultural significance of menstrual health and hygiene, which is inclusive of cultural myth and scientific terminologies.


Growth mindset, menstrual health, menstrual hygiene, menstrual products

Publication Details:
Published Paper ID: IRJHIS2210001
Registration ID: 20842
Published In: Volume: 3, Issue: 10, Year: October 2022
Page No: 01-07
ISSN Number: 2582-8568

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ISSN Number

ISSN 2582-8568

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5.71 (2021)

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