Volume 06, Issue 02
Frequency: 12 Issue per year
Paper Submission: Throughout the Month
Acceptance Notification: Within 2 days
Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary
Accepted Language: Multiple Languages
Journal Type: Online (e-Journal)
ISSN Number:
The globe's greatest herd of cattle is found in India. The nation's livestock sector had 304.14 million head as of October 2022. 20% of the country's cows and fewer than half of its buffaloes, the bulk of which are milch cows and milch buffaloes, are based in India. The milk industry accounts for the largest part of India's agricultural GNP. Inside this yearly plan, a three-tier cooperative design is employed. Dairy cooperative societies at the local level, which are connected to the Milk Producers Union at the provincial level, provide such a framework. This is connected to a state-level Milk Federation. On July 14, 1946, under the designation Udhagamandalam Cooperative Milk Supply Society, the Milk Producers Union was formed also with intention of providing financial status to the producers in the Nilgiris District. The SWOT analysis of Thalayatimandhu Primary Milk Producers Cooperative Society Nilgiris Block, The Nilgiris District, has been the key subject of the research. The assessment Rating of Union "B" Class will take place in 2019–20. As a consequence, the TPMPCS performed flawlessly.
dairy industry, Milk product, Cooperative Societies