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Analysis of Factors Affecting Buyers’ Intention to Buy Locally Produced Feed for Ornamental Fishes

Dr. Ashish A. Linge , Sanket Deoghare , Dr. Milind Barhate

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Dr. Ashish A. Linge , Sanket Deoghare , Dr. Milind Barhate ,
Analysis of Factors Affecting Buyers’ Intention to Buy Locally Produced Feed for Ornamental Fishes,
International Research Journal of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies (, ISSN : 2582-8568, Volume: 4, Issue: 3, Year: March 2023, Page No : 161-169,
Available at :


The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of buyers' attitude, perceived availability, perceived price, product knowledge, and perceived quality of local feed for ornamental fishes on buyers' intention to buy locally produced feed for ornamental fishes. The data for the study was gathered from 69 customers buying fish feed on regular basis. The study was conducted in Nagpur city, Maharashtra State, India. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. Availability and purposive sampling techniques were used for selecting the samples. The results show that three factors viz buyers' attitude, perceived price, and perceived quality are positively and significantly affecting buyers' intention to buy locally produced feed for ornamental fishes. However, two factors viz perceived availability and product knowledge are found to have a negative and insignificant effect on the intention to buy locally produced feed for ornamental fishes. It is also found that buyers’ attitude and perceived quality most influence intention to buy locally produced feed for ornamental fishes followed by ‘perceived price’. The customers were also found to have high intention to buy locally produced fish feed.


Feed for ornamental fishes, attitude, perceived availability, perceived price, intention, product knowledge, perceived quality

Publication Details:
Published Paper ID: IRJHIS2303020
Registration ID: 21035
Published In: Volume: 4, Issue: 3, Year: March 2023
Page No: 161-169
ISSN Number: 2582-8568

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ISSN Number

ISSN 2582-8568

Impact Factor

5.71 (2021)

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