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Volume 06, Issue 02
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Narendranath Mitra’s Bikalpa (The Substitute): A Critique of the Social Constructs of Caste, Class and Gender

Dr. Pardeep Kumar

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Dr. Pardeep Kumar ,
Narendranath Mitra’s Bikalpa (The Substitute): A Critique of the Social Constructs of Caste, Class and Gender,
International Research Journal of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies (, ISSN : 2582-8568, Volume: 4, Issue: 6, Year: June 2023, Page No : 131-137,
Available at :


This research paper delves into the thematic study of literary work Bikalpa authored by Narendranath Mitra, which has been masterfully translated into English by Sreejata Guha under the title The Substitute. The primary focus of this paper is to critically analyze "The Substitute" as a profound critique of the entrenched societal constructs of caste, class and gender. By examining this narrative, the paper aims to challenge and probe the deeply ingrained stereotypical perceptions surrounding caste, class and gender. Despite witnessing a substantial decline in the practice of casteism within Bengal following the Bengali renaissance, remnants of this discriminatory mindset continue to persist within the collective consciousness. Narendranath Mitra's The Substitute serves as a weighty portrayal of the prevailing stereotypical ethos prevalent among the upper castes of Bengali society. To reinforce the arguments presented in this paper, it draws upon the influential ideas put forth by eminent feminist writers like Simone- de-Beauvoir and sociologists such as Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Sharmila Rege, Arundhati Roy, and Uma Chakraborty illuminating the discourse.


Caste, Class, Gender, Stereotypical notions, Bengali renaissance.

Publication Details:
Published Paper ID: IRJHIS2306018
Registration ID: 21101
Published In: Volume: 4, Issue: 6, Year: June 2023
Page No: 131-137
ISSN Number: 2582-8568

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ISSN Number

ISSN 2582-8568

Impact Factor

5.71 (2021)

DOI Member
