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Enhancing the role of employees to improve the customer satisfaction in food Chain Outlets

Anshu Kapoor , Shiv Mohan Verma

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Anshu Kapoor , Shiv Mohan Verma ,
Enhancing the role of employees to improve the customer satisfaction in food Chain Outlets,
International Research Journal of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies (, ISSN : 2582-8568, Volume: 4, Issue: 9, Year: September 2023, Page No : 23-28,
Available at :


The term employee comes from the workforce that are engaged in the organization for providing the services to the customers and they are being paid by management for the same but where the management only have a mindset that for them the employees are one who provide their services to the organization will never be able to build the trust in the people who are working with them. The management needs to understand when it comes to the hospitality sector and there to the food chain outlets the role of employees becomes very essential as they are the one who helps to build the relation with the customers and every time whenever the customer think to dine out the first thing that comes in their mind is the outlet where the employees are cordial and have positive attitude. The purpose of this research paper is to understand the role of employees in Food chain outlets and how these employees effect the profitability of the organization. The main purpose of any organization is to generate profit but when it comes to the food chain outlets how this profit is related the employees of the organization who are working with them.


Employees, Satisfaction, Essential, Food chain, Profitability

Publication Details:
Published Paper ID: IRJHIS2309005
Registration ID: 21162
Published In: Volume: 4, Issue: 9, Year: September 2023
Page No: 23-28
ISSN Number: 2582-8568

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ISSN Number

ISSN 2582-8568

Impact Factor

5.71 (2021)

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