Volume 06, Issue 02
Frequency: 12 Issue per year
Paper Submission: Throughout the Month
Acceptance Notification: Within 2 days
Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary
Accepted Language: Multiple Languages
Journal Type: Online (e-Journal)
ISSN Number:
The preventive measures taken during COVID-19 pandemic in the form of janata curfew, lockdowns, inter or intra state movement restrictions has adversely affected the income and earning means of the elderly daily-wage workers engaging themselves in different kinds of works, specifically in manual works. The empirical evidence shows that, due to temporary cessation of employment and other activities the elderly daily wagers experience hardship to manage the situation. Most of the labourers are migrant workers hailing from distant places across the country; hence many of them stayed back at their working places. Eventually, they face problems of providing financial support to their family members and they themselves too face severe financial problems in managing themselves at their working places. This paper aims to understand the economic challenges and social maladjustments faced by elderly labourers during lockdown days. Data were collected through Open-ended interviews from 30 elderly labourers from different parts of Itanagar Capital Region in the state of Arunachal Pradesh, besides outsourcing available secondary resources. Out of the total sample, 40% of respondents were found comfortable at workplaces due to their durable staying since long past, while 60% were uncomfortable due to the reason that they had come to earn breads for their dependents just for short duration. However, they altogether similarly experience financial crunch as well as social maladjustments. Elderly plays a pivotal role in shaping and re-shaping of society contributing the efficient and productive pattern of socialization in human generations. They must be immensely valued even at the workplace in prioritize and dignified manners.
Economic, Elderly, Lockdown, Wage, Workplace