Volume 06, Issue 02
Frequency: 12 Issue per year
Paper Submission: Throughout the Month
Acceptance Notification: Within 2 days
Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary
Accepted Language: Multiple Languages
Journal Type: Online (e-Journal)
ISSN Number:
Purpose: Skin gives the idea of internal function of the body. Cases of skin disorders especially psoriasis is increasing due to Viruddha Ahara-Vihar which reduces person's immunity and vitiates the Doshas. Psoriasis is said to be an immune mediated disease. Psoriasis has psychological as well as social impact on the diseased. Generally, patient comes with symptoms like itching, scaling, patches, dandruff, hair fall, redness, sometimes burning sensation. Psoriasis is caused due to the vitiated Vata - Kapha Dosha. In modern science, there is no as such treatment for psoriasis instead of steroids and antihistamines, which ultimately reduces the individuals. immunity. In Ayurveda certain Panchakarma procedures and medicines has showed significant effect in the disease. Methods: The case study deals with 19-year-old male patient who was suffering from complaints of itchy scalp, dandruff, hair fall, constipation for 5 months. Initially Pachan was given and Shodhana Karma was conducted, after Shaman Chikitsa (Bahya and Abhyantara) was given. Vaman-Virechana was repeated after 6 months to prevent recurrency. Amalaki Rasayan started as Rasayan Chikitsa in the last. Results: The Shodhana, Shaman, Apunarbhava and Rasayan Chikitsa has showed the significant improvement in psoriasis along with no recurrency till date. Conclusion: Psoriasis can be managed with Ayurvedic Chikitsa (Panchakarma + oral medicine), Nidan Parivarjan and recurrency of disease can be prevented by increasing immunity with Rasayanas.
Scalp Psoriasis, Kitibha Kustha, Panchakarma, Shodhana, Shamana, Apurnarabhavatva.