Volume 06, Issue 01
Frequency: 12 Issue per year
Paper Submission: Throughout the Month
Acceptance Notification: Within 2 days
Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary
Accepted Language: Multiple Languages
Journal Type: Online (e-Journal)
ISSN Number:
Abstract:Aim-To study the role pf Rakta dhatu in Raktapradoshaja vikar.Objective-To study Rakta dhatu in Raktapradoshaja vikar.Material & methods :-Review of ayurvedic literature, research papers, works and articles, InternetDiscussion-Dhatu (tissue) is the thing by which growth, nourishment & survival of body takes place.Dhatus are functional keys of doshas.Rakta dhatu is 2nd dhatu formed after Rasa dhatu. It is produced from prasada bhaga of Rasa dhatu with panchabhutagni & Rasa dhatwagni."Raktaha Ras Ranjane" that is to stain indicates ranjana function of rakta dhatu.Rakta is present all over the body however rakta is present in ample amount in some places & does special functions for some organs & these places are liver, spleen and are called as Sthana (location) of Raktadhatu & Raktavaha srotas
Ayurevda,Rakta dhatu,Raktapradoshaja vikara,Raktavaha strotasa