Volume 06, Issue 02
Frequency: 12 Issue per year
Paper Submission: Throughout the Month
Acceptance Notification: Within 2 days
Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary
Accepted Language: Multiple Languages
Journal Type: Online (e-Journal)
ISSN Number:
This study focuses on investigating the role of motivation in achieving job satisfaction among employees in small and medium businesses in Oman. Motivation is considered a fundamental factor in enhancing worker productivity and increasing output. The first chapter provides a concise overview of the research topic, including the research questions, research goals, motivations, and anticipated results. Moving on to the second chapter, a comprehensive review of the existing literature on the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction in small and medium-sized enterprises in Oman is presented. This chapter also explores how various studies can be compared and related to the current investigation, offering multiple perspectives from experts and researchers. A selection of literature pertaining to the role of motivation in attaining job satisfaction among employees in small and medium businesses in Oman is provided. The third chapter delves into the methods and processes employed to gather, select, examine, and evaluate information regarding how employees in small and medium-sized businesses in Oman are motivated to achieve job satisfaction. The sources utilized in the research and the data collection methods are discussed. A qualitative research design was employed, involving the identification of the research problem, development of a theoretical framework, formulation of research questions, data collection through or text analysis, descriptive analysis, and reporting of findings. Secondary data was chosen for data collection due to its ease and efficiency in gathering information from relevant academic sources. In the fourth chapter, detailed information is presented regarding the role of motivation in achieving job satisfaction, enhancing productivity, improving performance, and the significance of creating an ideal work environment for employees in Oman Tel company.in the last chapter discussed about Finding, suggestion, recommendation on how to overcome the problem and develop it in small and medium enterprises to improve performance, productivity and achieve job satisfaction.
Motivation, employees' performance, job satisfaction, material and moral incentives, job loyalty.