Frequency: 12 Issue per year
Paper Submission: Throughout the Month
Acceptance Notification: Within 2 days
Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary
Accepted Language: Multiple Languages
Journal Type: Online (e-Journal)
ISSN Number:
India has a wide network of educational institutes in the country. A total of 1.2 billion learners were affected by the pandemic in the world. There are both positive and negative impacts of the pandemic on the teaching and learning process. The teachers and learners have faced a lot of challenges in this period. The use of appropriate and relevant pedagogy may depend on the expertise and exposure to ICT of learners and teachers. There are many new tools available to assist the teachers. The paper will try to highlight the challenges faced by the teachers and learners during the pandemic and provide strategies to reduce challenges imposed on teaching and learning during pandemic.
Digital learning, emerging technology, virtual classroom, online education, blended teaching