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Statistical Analysis of Comparison between sell of Petrol Cars and Diesel Cars

Dr. M. H. Lohgaonkar , Dr. Prakash Rajaram Chavan

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Dr. M. H. Lohgaonkar , Dr. Prakash Rajaram Chavan ,
Statistical Analysis of Comparison between sell of Petrol Cars and Diesel Cars ,
International Research Journal of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies (, ISSN : 2582-8568, Special Issue, March 2022 International Conference Organized by V. P. Institute of Management Studies & Research, Sangli (Maharashtra, India), Page No : 179-187,
Available at :


Transportation had been all time necessary for human being. Before time it is carried out by legs i.e. they had to walk for miles. As time goes things also been changing and new models come to introduce. After scientists had given attention towards innovations revolutions occurred time to time. First industrial revolution occurred nearly 1760 decade and a new feeling arises to fast mode of transport. New modes of varied types were made. One of them was petrol and diesel engine motor cars. This engines work on fossil fuels with combustion. Having much power they could transport easily much goods in short period of time. Now-a-days, trending in market as they give much profit and yield, too, and are easy to handle. Both the petrol and diesel cars have slight drawbacks but nevertheless, two of them contribute equally in usage.


petrol cars, diesel cars, Statistical Analysis.

Publication Details:
Published Paper ID: IRJHISIC2203024
Registration ID: 20607
Published In: Special Issue, March 2022 International Conference Organized by V. P. Institute of Management Studies & Research, Sangli (Maharashtra, India)
Page No: 179-187
ISSN Number: 2582-8568

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ISSN Number

ISSN 2582-8568

Impact Factor

5.71 (2021)

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