Frequency: 12 Issue per year
Paper Submission: Throughout the Month
Acceptance Notification: Within 2 days
Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary
Accepted Language: Multiple Languages
Journal Type: Online (e-Journal)
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The goal of the study is to examine how individuals save and invest their money. The study’s primary objective is to examine demographic parameters such as age, gender, income, educational attainment, and employment. When compared to bank deposits, the percentage of investors participating in the Indian equities market is quite low. The investors in this project are all residents of Islampur city, and this project includes their preferences as well as the various aspect that influence their choice of investment strategy. This study includes investors’ responses regarding their choice of securities within each classification, and performance within each classification has been analysed based on investors’ returns. The conclusion is related to the top-performing items and the investor’s capacity for taking risks whiles investing in various areas. Most investors, especially those in rural areas, are reported to be ignorant about available investment options and legal requirements. The goal of the study was to learn about investors in Islampur cities saving habits, investment knowledge, and investment preferences.
Individual Investors, Awareness, Investment, Preference, Saving.