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A Study on Economic Development through Rural Entrepreneurship in Sangli District

Uday V. Hiremath , Dr. K. Shivashankar , Dr. Basavaraj S. Kudachimath

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Uday V. Hiremath , Dr. K. Shivashankar , Dr. Basavaraj S. Kudachimath ,
A Study on Economic Development through Rural Entrepreneurship in Sangli District,
International Research Journal of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies (, ISSN : 2582-8568, Special Issue, January 2024 International Conference Organized by V. P. Institute of Management Studies & Research, Sangli (Maharashtra, India), Page No : 109-117,
Available at :


According to the recent data reveals that approximately 68% of India's population resides in rural areas, where a significant portion of their livelihood is centered around agriculture. Rural entrepreneurship is increasingly recognized as indispensable for the growth and development of a country, especially one as vast and diverse as India. It plays a crucial role in the economic development of the nation, contributing to the advancement of underdeveloped regions in various ways.Rural entrepreneurship serves as a key driver in addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by rural areas. By creating diverse opportunities such as employment generation, preventing the migration of rural youth, bolstering the manufacturing sector, promoting infrastructure development, elevating living standards, and alleviating poverty, it becomes a transformative force in these regions. The economic progress of the entire country is intricately linked to the development of its rural areas.Efficient utilization of scarce resources is a hallmark of rural entrepreneurship, leading to increased profits and reduced costs. However, rural entrepreneurs grapple with challenges, with shortages of finance and raw materials being primary obstacles. Moreover, specific issues like illiteracy, lack of training and experience, the fear of loss, and competition from urban entrepreneurs pose additional hurdles.In essence, rural entrepreneurship emerges as a viable solution to widespread issues such as unemployment, migration, economic disparity, poverty reduction, and the overall development of rural and backward regions of sangli district. As it addresses these challenges, it not only transforms the economic landscape of rural areas but also contributes significantly to the holistic development of the entire nation.


Rural Development, Rural Economy, Entrepreneurship development, Challenges, rural development Key,

Publication Details:
Published Paper ID: IRJHISIC2401014
Registration ID: 21294
Published In: Special Issue, January 2024 International Conference Organized by V. P. Institute of Management Studies & Research, Sangli (Maharashtra, India)
Page No: 109-117
ISSN Number: 2582-8568

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ISSN Number

ISSN 2582-8568

Impact Factor

5.71 (2021)

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