Frequency: 12 Issue per year
Paper Submission: Throughout the Month
Acceptance Notification: Within 2 days
Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary
Accepted Language: Multiple Languages
Journal Type: Online (e-Journal)
ISSN Number:
Human resource capital encompasses the unique qualities and attributes that individuals bring to the workplace. This includes education, skills, training, experience, creativity, and the ability to innovate as well as employee relation in the organization. It is the intangible asset that contributes to an organization's productivity, efficiency, and overall competitiveness. Present research is about to find out co-relation between employee’srelation and managing human capital in organisation. Research study was focused on different aspects of the employee relations in the organization. Problems with respect to employee's communication, employer's equal opportunities, employer's individual development, employee's ideas, organizational policies and the organizational culture in the workplace identified. If organization take corrective decisions as suggested employee relations will be improved and this will also lead to improve interpersonal relations, professional growth and opportunities of employees The end effect of this will be integrated approach towards organizational development which manage human capital.
Human Resource Capital, Employees Relations, Productivity