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Haritaki; a comprehensive herb, a review

Dr. Mahesh Ambadas Tale , Dr. Pradeep Wardhaman Kasture

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Dr. Mahesh Ambadas Tale , Dr. Pradeep Wardhaman Kasture ,
Haritaki; a comprehensive herb, a review,
International Research Journal of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies (, ISSN : 2582-8568, Volume: 5, Issue: 7, Year: July 2024, Page No : 45-48,
Available at :


Ayurveda has described the ways to live a healthy life. It describes number of herbs and other drugs in form of potent medication. Also they are been use for maintaining the health and for prevention from diseases. Haritaki is one such important herb mentioned in Ayurveda. Most noble medication along with primly stated as main Rasayana in Charaka Samhita, Haritaki proves its utility in various conditions. Here the herb Harikati is studied with its Panchabhautik Gunas, comprehensive clinical utility along with its number of applications in various forms.


Haritaki, Rasayana, Panchabhautik Gunas

Publication Details:
Published Paper ID: IRJHIS2407004
Registration ID: 21527
Published In: Volume: 5, Issue: 7, Year: July 2024
Page No: 45-48
ISSN Number: 2582-8568

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ISSN Number

ISSN 2582-8568

Impact Factor

5.71 (2021)

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